0003263: [Technical -- General] Mac version unable to load up Dwarf Fortress game at all. (Toady One)
0001016: [Dwarf Mode -- Justice] Captain of the guard performs beating with combat weapon. (Toady One)
0000375: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Status] Missing Admin/Noble icon in Status Screen (Toady One)
0001111: [Geology] Ore/gem frequency parameters don't work (Toady One)
       0001407: [Geology] No mineral deposits in ALLUVIAL layers (Toady One)
       0001411: [Geology] Numerical parameter of ENVIRONMENT_SPEC is ignored, too many minerals and gems created (Toady One)
0003109: [Dwarf Mode -- Military] Squad renaming on load (Toady One)
0003542: [Miscellaneous Crashes] Segfault: Asked for nonexistent texture data (Baughn)
0000582: [Dwarf Mode -- Thoughts and Preferences] She likes to consume she. (Toady One)
0001498: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, General] Crystal glass items can't be made, CRYSTAL_GLASSABLE appears broken (Toady One)
0004103: [Technical -- General] Command line client does not launch on OS X 10.7 Lion (READ FOR FIX) (Toady One)
0000111: [World Generation -- Constructions] Worldgenned roads blocked (Toady One)
       0000687: [World Generation -- Constructions] Bridges on world gen roads connect strangely (Toady One)
0001732: [Dwarf Mode -- Trade] "Prepared meals" not listed at trade depot except in "all" (lethosor)
0001287: [Technical -- General] Possible to bind k to 'leave screen' (Toady One)
0000927: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Unit View] Unit job title overlaps unit job. (Toady One)
0004623: [Undeath] <dwarven baby ghost name> has grown to become a Ghostly Dwarven Child (Toady One)
0001284: [Adventure Mode -- Town] Some shops have their cash for sale (Toady One)
0002171: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Text] Text in inventory screen overlaps with map panel. (Toady One)
0000344: [Combat -- General] Knockback/"propelled away by the force of the blow" only happens rarely (same with throwing creatures any distance) (Toady One)
0003239: [Adventure Mode -- Crime] Nameless NPCs don't care if you kill them (Toady One)
0001544: [Undeath] Skeletal cyclops described as very muscular, narrow ears, etc (Toady One)
0002796: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Military] Soldiers often cannot follow their orders. (Toady One)
0001311: [World Generation -- General] World has caverns but one of the several dwarven civs doesn't have access to seeds/plants/drinks (Toady One)
0004983: [Dwarf Mode -- Invasions] Crash occurs when Forgotten Beast cannot path into fort (Toady One)
0004706: [Adventure Mode -- Buildings] Buildings appear to be incorrectly placed. (Toady One)
0001645: [Legends Mode -- Historical Figures] All events in adventure mode occur in early spring (Toady One)
0004046: [Civilizations/Entities -- Populations] All/Most intelligent creatures are dead. (Toady One)
0001852: [Undeath] [SPOILERS] HFS creatures rot away, so I don't have to do anything (Toady One)
0001373: [World Generation -- General] Kobolds almost never generated on Island regions (Toady One)
0002750: [Technical -- Rendering] Crash when zooming in Windowed mode (TrueType related) (Baughn)
0004207: [Dwarf Mode -- Environment] Inescapable, inevitable, intolerable lag (Toady One)
0003690: [Adventure Mode -- Travel] While traveling player is teleported into holes/dry murky pools due to ambushes (Toady One)
0004405: [Undeath] Ghosts can die of old age and dwarves who die of old age evidently cannot become ghosts. (Toady One)
       0004422: [Undeath] Historical Undeads can die of old age (Toady One)
0001899: [Technical -- General] Game locks up for 30 min during seasonal temperature shift (Toady One)
0003762: [TrueType] Crash on moving (k) cursor over certain spatters with TrueType (long names?) (Baughn)
0003339: [Civilizations/Entities -- General] Queen of the elves is a man. (Toady One)
0003149: [Creatures] Randomized creatures with "beware its webs" don't actually have webs (Toady One)
0004493: [World Generation -- General] Turtles only appear in island worlds (Toady One)
0003355: [Creatures] [FIREBREATH]-Attacks have no effect on enemy creature (Toady One)
0002529: [Animal Populations] Repeatedly visiting town/site causes animals to accumulate (Toady One)
0004343: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Unit View] Unnamed notable creatures are displayed weird in unit view kill list (Toady One)
0003713: [TrueType] DF crashes when attempting to use Aimed attacks when using truetype display in Linux (Baughn)
0000974: [Legends Mode -- General] Worldgen civs create LOTS of bridges, filling up half of the total worldgen events for a civ entry. (Toady One)
0003272: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Unit Profiles] Birth month of child incorrectly displayed. (Toady One)
0004625: [Creatures] Casteless creatures report tissue colors as amber (Toady One)
0004449: [Dwarf Mode -- Interface, Stockpiles] Iron missing from material options for weapon stockpiles (Toady One)
0004334: [World Generation -- General] No hunters of great beasts in worldgen despite BEAST_HUNTER tag (Toady One)
0004769: [Items] A stack's weight doesn't decrease when items are removed (Toady One)
0004083: [Civilizations/Entities -- Populations] Other races migrate to major sites, but are not there in adventure mode (Toady One)
0003246: [TrueType] TrueType: Some dwarves' names are cut off at diacritics, other diacritics are turned into blocks (Baughn)
       0003664: [TrueType] Crash when using Truetype and choosing Fortress/Group Name. (Baughn)
53 issues View Issues