| | 0013010 | | Creatures | minor | new | 2024-11-06 | TL_COLOR_MODIFIER token is bugged when using multiple color arguments |
| | 0011663 | | Creatures | minor | new | 2022-07-26 | Internal body parts with certain tags can still wear clothing & armor, without being otherwise accessible |
| | 0011894 | | Creatures | major | new | 2022-07-26 | Creatures with NOBREATHE and NONAUSEA still retch on miasma and have troubled thoughts about it |
| | 0011893 | | Creatures | minor | new | 2022-07-26 | Several creature tokens not respected by needs |
| | 0010352 | | Vegetation | trivial | | 2017-11-25 | Plant growth colors & display colors not updated to match new state colors in plant_new_trees.txt |
| | 0006393 | 6 | Creatures | minor | confirmed (user6) | 2014-12-02 | CV_CONVERT_TAG doesn't require an exact match; creature variations are applied in reverse order |
| | 0002701 | 1 | Creatures | trivial | | 2014-01-17 | Olms do not have tails. |
| | 0002676 | 11 | Creatures | minor | new | 2012-02-21 | Fatty tissue has same melting point as rendered fat/tallow, which is far too low |